
Frozen Platform
Hi XXX, Thank you for your query regarding this issue. We do encounter this occasionally and are happy to provide some troubleshooting information below...
Sat, 3 Aug, 2024 at 3:49 AM
Account Migration - ASIC to VFSC
Hi XXX, We can see that you have recently migrated from our ASIC entity license to our VFSC license.  We want to ensure you are aware of the leverage c...
Tue, 3 Jan, 2023 at 6:41 PM
Confirmed Fraud (Approved Account)
(edit accordingly) Hi XXX, We recently received your Application for a Fusion Markets account. After further investigation into the Identification and...
Mon, 16 Jan, 2023 at 3:56 PM
Demo vs Live Environment
Hi XXX, Please be advised that demo environments reflect as closely to the live environment as possible. The main differences are: 1) The demo envi...
Tue, 17 Jan, 2023 at 8:14 PM
When the stocks close prior to their earnings date?
Hi XXX, Thank you for reaching our with your inquiry. Firstly, we wanted to highlight why we set certain equities to close only before earnings anno...
Thu, 26 Jan, 2023 at 1:16 AM
Deep liquidity and commission query
Note: Edit accordingly Hi XXX,   We're happy to hear from you and hope we provide you with some information and clarity regarding your questions,...
Wed, 1 Feb, 2023 at 5:53 PM
Internal Hub Transfer Discrepancy in Exchange Rate
(This is a sample ONLY. Edit accordingly) Hi XXX, Thank you for reaching out with your inquiry, we're happy to shed some light on the internal r...
Fri, 17 Feb, 2023 at 3:30 PM
"Are you an A/B-Book Broker?"
Please use the template below to answer if we are an A/B book broker. "To answer this question, it's best to get more context. In Australia, a...
Tue, 20 Jun, 2023 at 10:37 PM
How do I fund with the new SEPA funding method? - Email Template
SEPA deposits are available for EU and other participating countries. You will find your SEPA funding details on your client hub under the payments tab when...
Fri, 19 Jul, 2024 at 4:21 PM
Application declined - Graphic Editor Issue ( Final Review)
Note: for background context, the graphic editor issue is different from forgery/blacklist. So when it is detected we offer a chance to fix this. If they re...
Wed, 8 Mar, 2023 at 3:30 PM