Please use the template below to answer if we are an A/B book broker.

"To answer this question, it's best to get more context. In Australia, any broker with an AFSL must hold a market-making license, and without this license, you cannot open a brokerage.

As such, there are some brokers that are traditional market makers that run a proprietary trading desk (dealing desk) and those that connect traders to liquidity providers. Our ASIC-regulated entity is not a traditional market maker and is an "ECN" broker in that we don't run any proprietary trading book, our pricing is sourced from external liquidity providers (not us and not from anyone related to us) via an electronic communication network, and those are passed to the clients without a dealing desk intervening.

I hope this answers your question."

Note : Don't confirm whether we're A-book or B-book
Sample questions:
1.) So are you an ECN broker or not?
2.) Are you a B-book broker?

If they are pushing you to answer, respond with:
To discuss this further, I'll have our Trading Specialist contact you and explain this further. Would that be okay?