FM cTrader

Approving cTrader Accounts
Before approving any cTrader accounts, please first check on the client's hub if they have been approved for a swap-free account. Just to add to...
Wed, 9 Aug, 2023 at 3:23 PM
Swap-Free Accounts on cTrader
We currently do not offer swap-free accounts on cTrader. As such, we cannot approve any swap-free users from creating cTrader Accounts. Before approv...
Mon, 21 Aug, 2023 at 4:10 PM
cTrader Demo Account Validity
Demo accounts are valid for 30 days. The client will receive an email for account deactivation. Please take a look at the image below. 
Tue, 15 Aug, 2023 at 11:29 PM
cTrader Latency
All our live trading servers, including cTrader, are based in New York.   If clients wish to have the lowest latency to the trading server, they can use...
Mon, 21 Aug, 2023 at 3:35 PM
cTrader YouTube Videos
Subject YouTube Link How to view the watch list on ctrader How to Add Stop and Limit Orders on cTrader http...
Tue, 5 Sep, 2023 at 3:42 AM
If a client request to change their email address (cTID):
We don't change anything relating to the CTID - that is for the client to update if they want to.   Here is an internal explanation not to give to t...
Mon, 11 Sep, 2023 at 4:51 PM
Is there some data for your tickers on the spread for backtesting?
For backtesting, the most accurate data would be via cBots on cTrader as this allows you to select the tick data as the data source rather than chart bar...
Tue, 19 Sep, 2023 at 3:12 AM
Investor Password for cTrader
There is no investor password for cTrader.   Aside from the account password, which is used only for FIX API, the client would always be logging in with...
Tue, 19 Sep, 2023 at 3:14 AM
How to Place cTrader to Read-only mode?
See the image below for reference:  
Tue, 19 Sep, 2023 at 3:15 AM
Statements on cTrader
  The column format on the statement generated is dependent on the column format set on your cTrader during the generation process.   If the client con...
Mon, 4 Dec, 2023 at 4:57 PM