We don't change anything relating to the CTID - that is for the client to update if they want to.


Here is an internal explanation not to give to the client:


The client can update their email address or user name when logged in to their CTID on this page: https://id-app.fusionmarkets.com/my/settings/credentials


In cBroker you can click on User Details in the top right corner of the account to view the CTID details (see image below).



Changing their email address should not change the CTID (identified by the "User ID"). The user name which will continue to be called "spellzcfi" unless they change it, and their account will remain linked to Fusion by the "User ID" field shown on the user above, which never changes.


,They can always update the email address or username on their side, but can never change the User ID which the end client never sees - that way changing the email does not affect the account with us, because it is linked by the User ID.