Deployed 'Confirm Email' for Login

As part of improving security around our login process, you may have noticed we deployed CAPTCHA functionality a couple of weeks back.

Today additionally, we have deployed a 'confirm email' functionality. 

This functionality works a bit similar to a withdrawal request wherein on each login attempt, you will get an email. On clicking the link in the email, you will be redirected to the hub. However, before getting in into the hub, we show the setup MFA page. At this stage setting up MFA is not compulsory i.e. you can click 'Set up later' and continue onto the hub. 

Let me know if you have any questions/suggestions around the same.

Sample Template (Edit Accordingly)

Thank you for your email. 

To enhance security, we have implemented this feature in the Fusion Hub. 


A confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address upon logging in. Please confirm it and log in again to access the Fusion Hub

You have the option to set up 2FA now or skip this step and set it up later.


We're committed to making your trading experience the best it can be.

Should you have further concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out 24 hours a day. We're just an email, live chat or phone call away.

What the client sees on their end


  1. Client signs up (no change)
  2. Begins KYC and leave the portal (no change)



                3.  Comes back to the application (change) they receive this confirmation email message:




                                     4. They must confirm this (change) and then skip 2FA if they want or set it up. 



Client's complaining about the new login confirmation:

Please advise the customer, that for the scenarios he had mentioned, to contact our customer support team and we would be available to help/provide a solution. This new feature is implemented as part of improving security around our login process, therefore keeping our customer safe.