KYC updates – please be aware:  

  1. [CS] Additional Account Requests – Process update: Please approve all pending additional apps if there are no issues with the Main account (i.e., main account is not blocked/RO/under-investigation), make sure the hub comments are reviewed before any approval.
  • If there are any issues with ID or anything else with the client profile, approve the request first and then request the additional info via email > if the client doesn’t respond after 2 days > RO the account (if there are no open trades).
  • Updated KYC Master Guide attached – please refer to Table B: Additional Account Request – Requirements and Action.
  • Why are we changing? This is to improve user experience and avoid keeping additional apps in posted status.


  1. [CS & SalesTMD quiz update 3.0: The TMD texts will receive another round of update this week. ETA release date mid-this week.
  • FYI, ASIC clients are required to pass the TMD quiz if they want to become our client (this applies to both Retail & Pro application). If clients fail the TMD, we will not accept them as a client. All else remains the same.




  1. Joint Account Apps + Trust Account Apps via Sumsub will be available soon.
  2. Once 3 is complete, we will offboard Labs.
  3. Automated KYB email notification was not setup for GP. The devs are working on this. In the meantime, CS please check this manually (at least once a day) on Sumsub to make sure we don’t miss any application.
  4. Hub ID documents not viewable: The Devs has identified a bug with how the ID documents are stored in our database. The devs are still working on a solution.