Reset Password:
Ensure the client has reset the password successfully.
Double-check that the new password is being entered correctly.
Check Firewall and Security Software:
Verify that there are no firewall or security software settings blocking the MT5 application.
Temporarily disable antivirus or security software to check if it is causing the issue.
Update MT5:
Ensure that the client is using the latest version of the MetaTrader 5 platform. If not, recommend updating to the latest version.
Clear Cache and Cookies:
Clear the cache and cookies of the web browser being used for logging in.
Check Internet Connection:
Ensure the client's internet connection is stable and not experiencing issues.
Test on Another Device:
Suggest trying to log in from another device to see if the issue is specific to the Mac device.
Verify Mac System Requirements:
Confirm that the Mac device meets the system requirements for running MetaTrader 5.
Check for System Updates:
Verify that the Mac operating system is up to date with the latest updates.

Advise to use the MT5 Web Platform as an alternative through this link