KYB is the verification solution from Sumsub for corporate account applications (replacing LAB).

How to review KYB application?

1. Locating the application

All KYB applications can be located in Sumsub > Applicants > Companies

2. Summary Tab

There is a summary tab at the very top - which displays what verification is applied to this profile and its verification status:

  • Yellow = Pending (still processing)
  • Green = Verified
  • Red = Rejected

3. Questionnaire - CS Review Required

Check to ensure the details are correct.

Note: the LEI number info is here as well.

4. Company Data - CS Review Required 

This section details the company information (company name, registration number, contact information and address).

Check the details here against the company legal docs (see next step 5).

5. Company Document Upload - CS Review Required

Any company legal documents uploaded will be listed here. You can click on the document to enlarge it.

To download the file - click on the hyperlinked file name (blue text) as per example below.

Check the documents to ensure it is authentic and that the details matches the company data (from step 4).

6. UBO/Director - CS Review Required 

Company UBO and Director information is listed here. In this example, David Ian Swinden is the director and UBO.

Note: KYC applications are automatically created for each UBO/Director of the company.

Click the individual's name to view their personal profile (their personal ID and POA documents will be saved here too).

Ensure the UBO/Director meets standard KYC Verification requirements. For instructions, refer to this guide:

7. Duplicate application CS Review Required

Check to ensure this is not a duplicate application.

8. Check Watchlist - CS Review Required

This box checks for AML/PEP/Adverse media/sanctions etc.

If there is any matches 'potential match' or 'true positive' or it is blank (empty) - escalate to KYC team.

9. Generate PDF Summary

Once the KYB application review is complete. You can generate a PDF report from Sumsub which includes all the above applicant details.

This is located at the top of the page: