In September 2023 Metaquotes announced that there would be no further support for 32 bit installers:


"All installers, including the versions for MetaTrader 4, are of only 64-bit type now. The release of 32-bit installers has been discontinued. Previously installed 32-bit platform versions will work until January 1, 2024."


As we move into the new year, some of those previously installed 32-bit applications will have stopped working due to the January 1st end-of-life date. If you find a client asking about this, or asking for the 32-bit installer, please can you provide them the quoted text above which comes from Metaquotes themselves.


forwardUnfortunately, there is no way to support 32-bit systems for the client terminal moving forward, except perhaps through the webtrader for example. Please suggest this as an alternative if they cannot use a 64-bit machine.


-Chris H