Clients are only allowed one account, so it is important that when a new account application is received, we check to see if they have an existing account or not.

Below are instructions on how to check this information in Fusion/GP Hub and Sumsub (you need to check both).

Why do we need to check both? Because currently, the Similar User Alerts don't cross-check between AU and EN. This means we can't detect if a user registers under both regulations.

Fusion/GP Hub

Step 1. Go to ID verification Tab

Step 2. Expand the application by clicking on 'Show Details'

Step 3. Check the list of Similar Users Found


How to check for duplicate application via Sumsub (this checks both AU and EN applications).

Step 1. Login to Sumsub, then click on the Application icon on the left

Step 2. Locate the client’s application profile

  • Searching with client's full name
  • Or search with Fusion/GP hub profile URL - the ID number (example below)

Step 3. Check for Duplicates Warning. If nothing is displayed, then this application is not a duplicate.

If there is a duplicate warning, you can click on the associated link for more details.