Example #1: Surname missing

For Indian IDs, if the surname is not included under the name field, it can still be accepted provided their family name is there:


Name on ID: Dhanush M

S/O means Son of OR

S/D/W: Son/ Daughter/ Wife of


On the ID below the client name is Dhanush, son of Mohan K (Dhanush M).


If you're having doubts, you can send an email to client to confirm their family name rather than declining the application due to name mismatch.

For Indian Passport, single name is allowed (i.e. surname is missing):

Example #2: Long/multiple names

Client has long/multiple names (4-6 words) but only included 2 names on their profile. We need to check if the name matches both documents submitted, if yes then we can approve the account. No need to ask the client to edit the name on their profile because we can edit this on our end. But please note that we cannot edit names that are totally different from the client's submitted IDs

KYC UPDATE: Clients with long names and 1 letter mismatch in names


Scenarios Examples and what to do:


Scenario 1:
App Name: Felizaire Stephanie
ID 1 Name: Felizaire Saint-Fleure Stephanie
ID 2 Name: Felizaire Saint-Fleur Stephanie
Acceptable -  only 1 letter mismatch
Scenario 2:
App Name: Felizaire Saint-Fleure Stephanie
ID 1 Name: Felizaire Stephanie
ID 2 Name: Felizaire Saint-Fleure Stephanie
Acceptable - since FN and LN matches
Scenario 3: 
App Name: Felizaire Saint-Fleure
ID 1 Name: Felizaire Stephanie
ID 2 Name: Felizaire Stephanie
Decline and confirm with the client (edit the email template accordingly)
Example: "could you please confirm what is your full legal name? If you have another ID with the matching full legal name, you may send it over"
Scenario 4: 
App Name: Felizaire Saint-Fleure
ID 1 Name: Felizaire Stephanie
ID 2 Name: Felizaire Saint-Fleure
Declined and confirm with the client (edit the email template accordingly)
Example: "could you please confirm what is your full legal name? If you have another ID with the matching full legal name, you may send it over"