When clients requests a new bank wire withdrawal:-

What to look out for: Account holder name, SWIFT, IBAN, currency etc ( I will reach out to cash team today and confirm if there is any reference we can go with when comes to checking SWIFT or IBAN)- Has the client funded via cc or PayPal previously: if so, request needs to be sent to funding team for approval 

When clients request to cancel their withdrawal:

- Check if request has already been sent to cash team, if so, reach out to cash team and confirm if payment has been processed or not - Request can only be cancelled upon cash team's confirmation

- If the request has already been sent for approval- you can cancel and reply to the approval email informing the funding team as well. 


If the request has already been sent to the cash team, please get confirmation from the cash team first before cancelling in hub.

So basically the cancellation will be different for the normal withdrawal request like paypal or crypto, due to the manual processes involved in bank wire payments, we need to ensure all parties ( funding, client success, cash team) are informed and cancellation can be confirmed by cash team first, before amending the request in hub.

because most of the time, once the payment has been processed, it is very difficult to get the funds back from the client.