Our MT4 server is now getting quite full - due to our larger client-base - and as a result, we will be completing MT4 Account Archiving at least once each month from now on to ensure the MT4 server does not become overloaded. Because this will become a monthly, ongoing process now, I won't continue to post these reminders, but I wanted to put the process in here once more just to keep everyone aware of the process and the change to the frequency at which we will do archiving on the MT4 server.
To refresh your memory on the criteria - accounts will be archived if they meet the following criteria:

No activity for the last 90 days (trading or balance changes)
$10 or less remaining in the account
Hosted on the live MT4 server

The accounts can be re-activated upon request, restoring any remaining small balance and the trading history.
The purpose of archiving is to temporarily remove those unused accounts from the server and thereby reduce the server load, improving the performance for the remaining accounts that are being used. If a client tries to log in to an archived account, or if you try to search for it in your MT4 manager software, you will not be able to locate the account - but the record of it should still exist for that client in the Hub.
Please let me know if you have any questions on this process

- Chris H.