In Metatrader, there is an option/ column on the Market watch for spread, is there an option for this on ctrader as well?The spread should be prominently displayed in between the bid and the ask on the charts. Clients can also custom Indicator to show spread on the chart
How to extract trading statements on ctrader application? do not send the link to the client. This is still under the "private" settings in our YT channel and is not yet published.
In Metarader, there are 2 types of order (pending order and market execution, I noticed in Ctrader that there ar 4 types of order, please explain the difference of stop order, stop limit order, limit order and market execution. A stop-limit order is a conditional trade over a set time frame that combines the features of stop with those of a limit order and is used to mitigate risk. It is related to other order types, including limit orders (an order to either buy or sell a specified number of shares at a given price or better) and stop-on-quote orders (an order to either buy or sell a security after its price has surpassed a specified point).

Will the group codes and partner codes remain the same as those used in MT4?Yes, the group codes and IB codes will be the same as that which is currently used on MT4/MT5. However, please note that we cannot offer spread-based custom group codes for IBs on cTrader, they may only have commission markups.
Will cTrader also be available in Fusion+?No, we will not be offering F+ on cTrader.
I have opened a trade in Ctrader Demo, there is one trade being placed to DOM VMAP or VMAX,  however, the rest of the trades are on Standard DOM -- my question is, can we choose the DOM before a trade can be executed or is it automatically chosen by the platform? do not send the link to the client. This is still under the "private" settings in our YT channel and is not yet published.
For Ctrader copytrading - Can we also connect Ctrader accounts to DPL/MFB or F+?We currently do not offer any copy trading services via cTrader, however, we are looking into integrating DPL and MFB in the near future.
Is it possible to copytrade between Ctrader to MT4/MT5This is not possible as we do not offer copy trading services on cTrader yet.
What is the purposes of "Check Password" again in cbroker? Password check allows you to authenticate your clients' credentials
If the client would like to close the account is it also the same procdure when closing or deletion?Unfortunately we cannot delete ctrader accounts, just like live mt4/mt5 accounts. So the client can just leave the account as is. We are not yet archiving ctrader accounts  
Which VPS hosting company do e use for cTrader? Clients can Sign-up for a plan with a VPS hosting company, we recommend New York City Servers. The cTrader VPS will be the same as the one that we offer for MT4. So they have access to the complimentary NYSC VPS but can also use their own third party VPS, same as MT4 
cTrader Leverage Leverage is same for AU/EN clients
Do we sell stocks in ctrader? I can't see it in the platform, if not why?Us shares are only available in MT5