Within our ID verification tab, we have a functionality called similar users. This feature helps the KYC team to gauge if there have been any duplicate users with similar information that are already present in our hub.

It used to look like below. The tick mark simply gave the indication that there are matching elements with a particular user. However, in order to gauge what that matching factor is, the admin had to go into the profile and figure it out themselves.



This is to make it more informative and easier to gauge.

We have come up with the following new design. We have added individual icons for each matching fact (first name, email, IP location etc.). On hovering on each icon, you will know which is the matching factor.

Additionally, if you click the name of the person a pop-up comes that displays all of the factors and also shows what the matching factors are.


Additionally, we did not have address as a matching factor earlier. As part of this task, we have added address line 1 (as per KYC form) as a matching factor too.

This was deployed to production 08/07/2024