I am an Australian resident, why can't I see Fusion+? 

Due to ASIC regulations, we are currently unable to offer this service to our Australian clients. 

Q: How do I set up Fusion+ as a lead account? Note: Fusion+ copytrading is not available in FM AU. 
Answer: Once you have signed up with Fusion Markets, you can sign up for Fusion+ through your client hub. You will need to nominate the account you wish to act as the lead as well as the account you wish to debit the Fusion+ fee from (This can be the same account)Once you have signed up, you may issue invites to your followers via special link or email. 
Q: I have registered as a Fusion master, how do I connect my followers?  
Answer: *Check that the client has signed up – if not please assist them to do so correctly.  
We can see that you have successfully signed up for Fusion+. You can invite other to connect as a follower to your account via a sign-up link or email. You can do this through the client hub by going to ‘Fusion+’, ‘My Followers’ and then clicking the ‘+Add Followers’ button. 
Q: Can I have both a lead and a follower account on Fusion+? 
Answer: Yes, you can set up your MT accounts as either a Lead or a Follower account. Please be aware that fees will be charged to each of these that you choose to sign up, and refunds of these fees will be determined by the lot volumes traded on each account individually.  
Please note, an MT account cannot be both a lead and a follower. 
Q: What is a signal account? 
Answer: A signal account is the account which the trades are to be copied from. In the industry, this is known as the 'Master’ or ‘Lead Account'. Accounts attached are known as the sub or ‘follower’ accounts. 
Q: Why do you need a Trading Account Password, if it is a source signal? 
Answer: Because we use a third party platform to establish and facilitate the copy trader connection, we need certain credentials including your MT account password in order to connect to our servers from both the lead and follower side to send signals and place trades.  
Should you update your password for your MT account at any time, you will need to re-establish the connection with the up-to-date password on your Fusion hub. 

Q: Which of my accounts will be charge the Fusion+ fee and how do I get this fee refunded? 
Answer: We give you the option to nominate the account you wish to sign up to Fusion+ as well as the account you wish to debit the Fusion+ fee from (This can be the same account). This fee is $10 per month and is charged to cover the hosting costs of your Fusion+ connection. If you trade more than 2.5 lots in the 30 day billing period on your Fusion+ connected MT account, you will be refunded that $10 fee to the nominated billing account. 



Q:, Will it be possible to have multiple master accounts running separately at the same time? 
Answer: Yes, you can register multiple accounts as master accounts on Fusion Plus. Each account will have a unique master link that you can send to follower accounts so you will need to ensure that the invitation comes from the account you wish to connect the follower to. Please be aware that there will be a separate fee charged for each account you sign up to Fusion+ and the refund of each fee is determined by the trading volume made on each respective account. 
Q: How is the Fusion+ fee calculated? 
Answer: Fusion+ performance fees are calculated per calendar month regardless of when you established the connection and will be debited and credited on the first business day of the following month. 
These fees are calculated as the net profit from your copied trades multiplied by the percentage fee determined by your lead account. 
Q: Can I be a follower and lead account with the same account at the same time? 


Q: What is preventing my followers from becoming a master with that account and generating their own fees? 

Answer: A client cannot nominate their account as both a master and follower. This protects the lead account, whom is the one making the trades and earning fees from having their trades passed on to someone they have no affiliation with. If this were the allowed, the middle link in the chain would be on charging fees to someone for trades and decisions made by someone else. 
Q: Can I use an EA to send trades to my followers? 

A: yes, trades made from an EA will copy over to a follower account. The comment will still read ‘Fusionplus’. 


Actionable Tasks 

Fusion+ Reconnections: 



Related FD Guide Links 

Step 1 

Does the client exist on Fusion+ on the hub? 

Info Guide: Checking if a client is connected to Fusion+” 




Check if the account is active on Fusion+  – Is the resync button visible on the copier link on the client hu 
if  resync button DOES appear – it is disconnected 

If resync button does NOT  it is connected 

Move to step 2 






Check the client received an invite. 


If no visible invites, a new invite will need to be issued by the master account. 


If there is an invite, get them to accept this. 


If not resolved – raise to ops 


Info Guide: Fusion+ being disconnected when clients change password”  


Step 2 

Is the account active (connected) on Fusion+? 

Info Guide: Fusion+ being disconnected when clients change password”  






Move to step 3 



Action 1 – click the visible resync button visible on the copier link on the client hub – advise to resync with the correct MT password 

If further issues > raise to ops (step 3) 


Step 3 

Have the client specify the problem 


This is often due to trades not copying across, the connection is assumed to be disabled. If this is the case, move to ‘Trades did not copy to follower’ – step 2 


If other issues > Check FAQ’s  
Nothing in FAQ’s > raise to Ops 













Fusion+ refund eligibility: 



Related FD Guide Links 

Step 1 

Identify the trading account and the charge account the client signed up for Fusion+ with (This can be the same account)  

Info GuideFusion+ Charges Query 


Step 2 

Search on the hub under the Fusion+ tab and check that they have met the lot requirements on the Fusion+ linked MT account. 

Info Guide: “Fusion+ fee refund 

Info GuideFusion+ Charges Query” 


Step 3 

Are they eligible for a refund? 



Check the charge account for the fee refund. 
Have received it – advise the client and ask if there are any other concerns. 


Have not received it – raise to ops with the following…  
MT Fusion+ account: 
Charge account: 
Refund eligible (Yes/No): 
Refund credited (Yes/No): 
Any additional information: 






Advise the client they have not met the required lots traded to receive a refund on this. 


Any further disputes or concerns from the client that you cannot resolve, raise to ops. 













Trades did not copy to follower: 



Related FD Guide Links 

Step 1 

Raise this to ops with the following information 


Lead MT: 

Follower MT: 

Risk Type: 


Trades expected to copy (ID): 

Additional information from the client: