Please be very careful when responding to queries around current events, the below has been adjusted to a more generic response in red with the original an example provided by Chris previously and may not be relevant to future queries from clients.  
IF you are at all uncertain, please raise this to the escalations team for further advice.  

For clients who are asking whether Fusion has any exposure to any of the current banking/liquidity crises occurring, here's Chris Hewitt's recommended spiel:

Hi XXX,, 


Fusion Markets has no exposure or direct relationship to <INSERT RELEVANT BANK/FINANCIAL ENTITY>. As displayed on our website at this page (, our banking relationships are with HSBC and NAB. 


We are therefore not aware of any direct impact to our companies due to the recent banking issues occurring in the <INSERT COUNTRY/REGION>.  


If you do have any specific questions we would be happy to address them; however, as mentioned above we do not interact with any of those banks and could not comment on specifics of the customers who do use them.