No, they can be moved with open trades and the SF accounts will trade on the same symbols, either regular or .r if retail – just as they were before. However, you should let the client know that if they want to move to Swap free without closing trades the admin fees will be paid 7 days after the trade was opened. So, if the trades were opened for 6 days, then they would have been charged swaps on those days, however, if they move to swap free on the 6th day on the 7th day, they will not be charged swaps, but they will be charged the weekly admin fees.


So basically, it is possible, but they may be charged both swaps and admin fees for trades, if they wish to avoid this, then they can close any open trades.

Please keep sending these over to Ops to complete but if you can avoid telling the client they need to close trades and instead use the above. - Ash/Ops