Hi XXX, 

Thanks for reaching out. 

I can certainly appreciate how frustrating it can be to burn a trading account, so let me provide you with some information, I hope you get some value out of it.

The demo trading account is a great way for our clients to practice the skill of trading and ensure that their unique approach to the market can yield positive results over time. 

Firstly, I'd just like to say, it's the mark of a good trader to recognise their own weakness and strive to improve. 

The greatest traders breakdown their trading into three categories: 

Strategy (market analysis, competitive edge) - Some Strategy Ideas
Risk management( Understanding position sizing, stop loss placement) - Good Place to Get Started
Psychological ( Trusting a profitable system and being able to execute on that) - 4 Stages of Loss
The strategy or approach to the market is a system created by the trader, their's losses and wins, but long term or statistically they make money. The biggest key to preserving trading accounts and staying in the game long-term is risk management. 

Let's start to put these together! If a trader had a 50% of winning and an equal chance of losing, and they won on average twice as much as they lost. When the trader wins, they might get $100, when they lose, they might lose $50. Putting strategy and risk management together the trader gets their expectancy. - Article Detailing Further about Expected Returns

Psychology in trading has a simple goal, to follow your strategy's rules and follow your risk management. The concept seems so simple but is warned psychology is the single biggest point of failure amongst traders. - The Importance of Trading Psychology 

Every trader's journey on how they achieve this is different, but that's the fun of the journey!