Here are the key facts for everyone to remember moving forward when it comes to both MT4 and MT5 sponsored VPS platforms: 

  • When the client signs up to a VPS in their Hub and sign the agreement, they are automatically debited in their chosen MT4 or MT5 account.  

  • If they want an MT4 VPS, only an MT4 account can be debited, if they want an MT5 VPS, only an MT5 account can be debited. 

  • Until we proceed with the next steps, we can make a change to this debit as we haven't officially created the VPS order with the providers. 

  • For MT4, we click the Generate VPS button in the hub and this will kick off the process. Refer to MT4 Sponsored VPS doc for process  

  • For MT5, we select "sponsor metatrader VPS" option in the MT5 manager and follow the previous instructions for the client to activate this in their platform. Refer to the Virtual Private Server Confirmation for MT5 doc for process 


Scenario 1 : Client wants to cancel MT5 VPS and wanted to avail MT4 VPS instead but don’t want to create MT5 account 

Scenario 2 : Client wants to cancel MT5 VPS because his EA only works in MT4   

CSM: As per the process, the client won't be able to avail of the MT5 VPS without a present MT5 account.  

Hence, if the client with an existing MT5 account wants to cancel his MT5 VPS, he will need to fulfill the requirements of 20 lots within the 30-day period first before getting a refund, as per the Terms and conditions signed.   


To avail of the MT4 Sponsored VPS, they will have to sign their MT4 account up separately in the Sponsored VPS section of their Fusion Hub account. 



Scenario 3 : The client does not want to use VPS anymore   

CSM: Once the client signs up for the VPS, he can cancel his VPS subscription, but he cannot get a refund until the minimum requirement of 20 FX lots has been fulfilled as per the terms and conditions signed by the client. 


Scenario 4: New client subscribed for Sponsored MT5 VPS, however, he can't download the MT5 platform in his region. Client is requesting if he could use the VPS for MT4 instead. 

CSM: Check if the "Sponsor virtual Server" in MT5 Manager has already been selected. If so, the client has already been charged  

To help the client get around his issue, we can provide him with the downloaded file for Windows or Mac for him to install on his computer to access MT5, otherwise, the client will need to cancel the VPS in his hub and sign up for an MT4 VPS alongside an account if he hasn't already. 


Important Points to Remember: 

  • > Once the client cancels the VPS subscription (MT4/MT5) without fulfilling the lot requirement to be qualified for a refund, the fee gets forfeited. Hence, in the time that he signs up again and fulfils the requirement, only the current fee gets refunded but not the previous fee (cancelled one).  

  • the 30 days

    > Once signed for the subscription, if the client has fulfilled the 20 FX lots before the end of the 30-day period, the lot meter will go back to zero at the start of the next 30-day cycle, and the account gets debited again. 
    As soon as the lot requirement is fulfilled, the refund gets credited to the account, making the subscription continuous. Therefore, 
    no need to sign up again unless the client cancels. 

  • > The last point, we should not be dealing with refund issues anymore as the sign-up form clearly states that we do not process refunds without fulfilling the FX lot requirement since this is the prerequisite for the return of the funds.