Fusion+ System  

Note: Fusion+ copytrading is not available in FM AU.

Q: The client already signed up for Fusion+ as a follower. He would like to know where he could find the list of active Masters to choose and copy trades from. 

A: The Fusion+ system is currently set up to allow clients to copy trades of people they know. There must be someone to invite them to copy their trades if they want to receive signals. 


There is no current leaderboard or list of "Masters" to copy from just yet, as it will be a future addition to the service. 
Q: Are the copies opened automatically and instantaneously?   

A: Yes, they are; once the signal is activated by the Master account, the trades will flow through instantly at the chosen risk settings. 

QWhat about lot size?   
A: The trade size allocation is chosen when setting up the copy signal via the Risk settings in the image below. 


QWhat about setting stop losses or TP’s?  Is this all set across the trades? If you adjust them or close the trade, does it automatically do this across all copied accounts? 

A: there is a setting called "stops and limits", which details all of this below 


Q: If you have a second account, can you do this with your own account? 

A: Yes, it is allowed; view the Fusion+ tab in your or the client's hub. 


QWhat platform is Fusion+ available? 

A: Both MT4 and MT5 can be used for Fusion+ and can copy trades between each platform. 






Fusion + Fees:  

Whenever a user accepts the terms to set up the copier, they will need to pay the $10 fee upfront debit.  

This is the same process that takes place for the VPS. The client selects the account to debit, is charged after confirming, and then is refunded if they trade 2.5 lots in a 30-day period.  

Here is a snap of what the copier looks like from the Hub.  


Do I have to do anything? 

No, you don't need to make any changes. All new users to Fusion+ will be charged. Then we will go back and charge anyone else from the last 30 days but won't go back later than 30 days.  

Why do we need to charge upfront? 

Our upstream provider charges fusion the $10 fee upfront, and we need to charge the user simultaneously. It will also stop people from setting up a copier, then never using it, and us being charged without getting the money back. The account needs to be funded going forward.  

Why weren't we charging?  

We wanted to iron out the bugs/offer an incentive to those to use it a lot more. 

Will we go back and charge the users who didn't pay?  

We won't go back and charge them since day one, but likely any users doing less than 2.5 lots in the last 30 days will be charged and communicated that they have been getting a free pass previously but will be charged going forward. 

What do we do if people are upset about being charged?  

Unfortunately, we have to take each one case by case. Clients were told they would be charged, and if someone hadn't been paying for 3 months then gets charged once, that's still a pretty good deal!  

How's the Fusion+ stuff doing anyway? 

Really good. It has exceeded even our rosiest expectations, and we're rolling out a public leader board where anyone can follow other trades if they would like to. We have big plans for this. 


Changes to Fusion+ 

Both Masters and Followers need to pay the $10 hosting fee. As you know, previously, it was just Followers paying $10. We will charge all active existing Masters and email them, letting them know we've allowed it for free thus far.  

Users with less than $10 in their account can't join, as they won't be able to pay the hosting fee 

For Signal Masters who have a link they send to people, we added a shortcut to copy their link easily with one click under "My followers."  

If a user tries to copy an account that is already copying someone (e.g. trying to dodge paying the performance fees), they will be unable to do so and greeted with a message to open a new account or contact signal master. 

You can now delete an old signal master or follower by pressing the delete button in the hub. 



Fusion + Application Process  

The client will get charged each time he follows a new master 

The client can use Copy this account via My Performance between two accounts (Same Master and Slave) - if the master wants to copy his own trade on his additional account 

Accept invite through email 

Fusion + hub process - if the master wanted to share copy trading with other traders - create a link and then send to another trader 

If the created link is not working - Tell Master to reprocess or make another invitation. 

If all else fails - reach out to Ops for Trade Investigation 

Fusion+ Platform:  

What is the Issue? The client was debited for Fusion+ but they don't have any followers or invitation yet; they would like to stop the charge invitations 

The platform is called Tradesync, which facilitates our copy trading (Please don't share names with clients), we call it the copy trading platform, or Fusion+ platform.  

The client must be hosted on Tradesync, basically having an account there, in order to begin copy trading. 

; Previously, clients were charged for having connections with followers, one connection = 1 charge on the follower account. However, we are charged by Tradesync for every account we host there, meaning 1 Lead account = 1 charge and one follower = one charge. So, we now charge the lead and follower for being hosted on the copy trading platform irrelevant of the connections in place. Similarly, to our VPN, where the client is charged for being hosted there, there is just an added step that connections can be made. 


Fusion+ Basic Troubleshooting (BTS) 

Check the following:  

Has the strategy been enabled by the Master? In the hub, Check if Master has accepted the copier (Accepted) and date accepted 

Are the risk settings appropriate for the size of the account? 

If Index products, Has the “Force min lot” box been ticked? 

If all else fails, suggest to the clients to start the process again and reconnect the account. 

Profit Performance Tab 

Q: The client cannot see his profit on his performance page 

A: Performance data will only apply to live accounts, even though it can be seen as an option on the demo accounts. 


Please inform the client that it is not currently available for demo accounts.