All second migration requests from any client should be sent to Ops for approval


> User requested account migration (EN to AU migration requests)
> New client accepted terms (AU to EN migration requests)


> New client accepted terms (AU to EN migration requests)

  • When clients migrate their account, we will receive an email on the Help mailbox with the subject “New accepted terms”. See the image below. 


  • Once you receive this email, check the client’s account on the hub (user management) and make sure to change all the group code to the correct one. 

E.g. if the client is from ASIC (FM AU) and migrated to VFSC (FM EN), when you open the account, change the group from FM to FX or vice versa. 




Note: Australian clients are not allowed in VFSC 


Please see the image below.  


Since the client is originally from FM AU, the group code needs to be changed to FX.  

Note: If the original risk is in E, put it  in E. If it’s W, it should be W. DO NOT change the risk. 


  • the Once done changing the group, forward the email to the Ops team and cc Manila management team informing them of the changes. 


Note: If there are open trades, DO NOT change the group. Instead, inform the management team. Please see the sample email below. 




> User requested account migration (EN to AU migration requests)

-Send an email to the client and FYI to Ops


"We have received your request to migrate from our Vanuatu licence to our ASIC license. 


We want to ensure you are aware of the leverage changes ASIC have placed on all retail traders, such as yourself.  


These new regulations mean that leverage is reduced to as low as 30:1 on Forex pairs, as well as the stop out level rising to 50 % margin. These requirements mean increased equity will have to be held in order to open and keep positions. 


The only way to avoid such changes under our Fusion Markets entity is to register yourself as a Pro trader which would require you to submit proof that you have lengthy trading experience in Forex.  


If you still wish to migrate to our other entity licensed under ASIC   please reach out to and ask them to assist you in doing so. 


We hope the information here has proved helpful and you are confident in what a migration between entities would incorporate."