Scenario 1: Unknown Error 


A client would like to know what happened on a trade and you cannot provide any resolution as of the moment because you need to raise the issue with the Management first. However, the client is very tough and demanding an immediate resolution. 


CSM: Thanks for calling Fusion Markets, my name is XXX how can I help? 

Client: Can you check on my trade, there's something wrong with it. I need you to tell me what's happening now! 

CSM: I'm sorry about what happened in your trade. Let me quickly check this for you. Please bear with me. 

ClientNo I can't wait any longer, resolve it now!!!  

Note to CSM - Can you solve the issue on the phone now? Is the platform down? Is the price updating? Is it time-sensitive or does it need to be urgently sorted?  

If not able to resolve then:  

CSM: As much as I would like to resolve this in the soonest time possible, this is something I haven't encountered before. Most of our HQ is working during Australia business hours so I need to raise the matter with the Operations Team to take a closer look with what's happening with your trade. Is this urgent now sir or is it ok if I will get back to you as soon we have an update from them? 

Client: No, no, no, fix it now or I will leave Fusion 

CSM: I understand your frustration, however, as I mentioned, I have not experienced this issue before and we will need time to investigate further.  Rest assured that I will get back to you as soon as we have an update from the Operations Team.  

Client: No tell me now! You guys SUCK!!! 

CSM: I'm sorry. We know its frustrating and you want to know now. We are working hard to resolve it as quickly as we can. I know it's frustrating but please know that there's nothing I can do as of this time until we can gather as much information and evidence as possible. We don't want to give you the wrong information until we have all the facts. Thanks for your patience. 

Client: Repeats himself. Angrily screaming. 

CSM: I'm very sorry this doesn't feel helpful to you. Sorry to repeat myself, but we have begun the investigation and need time to be able to look into this so you can get all the information you need. We know how important it is for you. Was there anything else I could assist with? 

Client: I hate you guys so much. 

CSM: I do apologise but we will be as quick as we can to investigate this. We know it's important. Please bear with us. I have to attend to other clients right now so If there wasn't anything else you had a question about, I have to end the call. Thank you.  


Scenario 2: 


A client who is yelling and swearing during a call. 


CSM: Thanks for calling Fusion Markets, my name is XXX how can I help? 

Client: What the f*^k, I can't deposit using CC it leads me to a blank page when I go to the payments hub. Your broker is sh&*!! 

CSM: I'm sorry to hear that but I'm doing my best to help you. We cannot help you if you continue to use profanity or scream at us.   

Client: Hurry up! bull&^*%!!! 

CSM: We truly want to help you, but if you continue to speak to me this way, I’m going to have to end this call. 

Client: No, this is crap. You suck.  

CSM: I'm sorry you feel that way. I am happy to look into this for you but we can't help if we're being screamed at. We can either take a time out or we can try to help you now.  

Client: No seriously, f*** off.  

CSM: I'm sorry but I have to end the call. If you like you can call back in a few minutes where we can try to be more professional. Bye for now.  

If the client does not have an open trade or the query is not mission-critical, Let them take a minute or two to calm down.  


Scenario 3: 


The client immediately asks to be put through to a Supervisor as soon as the call is connected. 


CSM: Thanks for calling Fusion Markets, my name is XXX how can I help? 

Client: Can I speak to your Supervisor? Now! 

CSM: I'll be happy to help you talk to my Supervisor but is there anything I can do for you, it might save you some time? 

Client: No, I don't want to speak to you. I'm so tired of people who don't know what they are doing. 

CSM: Alright, I'll check if they are free but it would help but could you tell me a little bit more about your enquiry so I can help you?  

Client: (Basic concern and CSM can help the client resolve it. Get all the details) Adlib 

CSM:  Thanks for providing those details (if you can solve the case here, please solve.) If not say: Let me check if she's available. Please stay on the line. 

Client: Thanks! 

CSM: Name, I'm really sorry but my Supervisor is currently engaged and she will have to give you a callback, would that be ok?  




Scenario 4:  


Pricing on the platform is down or an instrument isn't working. You have likely already heard the noise on MT4 and had clients calling or chatting with you. If you are already sure it's not working/pricing is down, please use the following:  


CSM: Thanks for calling Fusion Markets, my name is XXX how can I help? 

Client: What's going on with the platform? It's frozen!  

CSM: Thank you for the call.  We apologiseYou are 100% correct, the XXX product is not currently pricing. We're aware of the issue and are working on it as we speak. Thanks for your patience. It should be back soon.  

Client: No, I need to trade right now. Fix it now!  

Note - is the client in a trade right now? Ask! If not, let them know it'll be fixed ASAP and appreciate their patience.  

CSM: I'm sorry but there isn't a lot we can do right now besides focusing our team on getting this back up and running as quickly as we can. We know how urgent this is so we appreciate your patience. Was there anything else we could do for you besides bringing back the pricing?  

Client: No, that's all.  

If they are in a trade... 

CSM: Thanks for letting me know about your trade. We are working to resolve this issue. In the meantime, if you wanted to exit any of your trades, we can take note of the current price right now and tomorrow we will look at forms of compensation for you if the trade would have been filled e.g. we will honour stop losses and take profits if pricing is unavailable. Does that sound ok to you?  

Client: No. I don't know if I want to close it. Just fix it! You guys suck!  

CSM: Apologies, we know it's frustrating. As mentioned, we will honor stops and limits and will do our best to provide fair compensation for the pricing being down so don't worry. In the meantime, is there anything else I can help you with?  

Client: No, that's all.  


Tips for Dealing with angry customers: 


  1. Stay calm and courteous 

  1. Be Methodical - Gather the facts for us to investigate- Client name, login, time of the trade, what happened vs. expectations - use active listening/repeat it back. 

  1. Let the customers vent, apologize. When clients lose money, it feels excruciating. Empathize with their feelings.  

  1. Use the right tone of voice 

  1. Don't react emotionally/ Stay neutral 

  1. Don’t be afraid to say “No” or “You Don’t Know" or to play defense by saying you don't want to say the wrong thing.  

  1. Practice active listening 

  1. Sympathize with the customer e.g. We know this is frustrating and we know this is really important.  

  1. Don't forget to breathe deeply. This is THE most important thing to stay calm.  

Guidelines for what to do next: 

  1. TIME - Is it urgent? Does it involve rapidly moving losses or gains for the client? eg open trades, pricing down on the platform 

  1. OWNERSHIP - Can you solve this on the phone/chat/email?  

  1. WHO - Who needs to know about this? David? Phil? Fabian? 

  1. FACTS - Gather the facts - get as much information as you can 

  1. BREATHE - Stay calm and breathe deeply.