Dividend pay-outs for US equities depend on if and when the underlying asset pays dividends. Therefore, we will pay dividends to clients in correlation with the underlying equities.

Is the dividend I receive 100% or 85% or 70%?

A dividend is a net-neutral adjustment in terms of profit because the underlying market will naturally adjust in price to reflect that the dividend entitlement event has passed, and new holders of the actual stock would not be entitled to receive that dividend from that point onward. So, if you are holding a long position when the dividend payment takes place, then you will also be eligible for the dividend, but the price of the instrument will adjust lower by the equivalent amount at the same time.

If you are holding a  short position, which naturally is the opposite, the price will adjust lower, benefiting the position, so you, the trader, would be charged the dividend.

Is the money credited in the account to the Ex-Dividend Date or the Payment Date?

At Fusion, It is the ex-dividend date for CFDs that we take into account because that is when the price adjustment occurs. There is no entitlement to the dividend on the payment date with CFDs; it's applied as the ex-dividend event occurs in the underlying equities market so that the price adjustment and the dividend payout are simultaneous.