Performance Fees are calculated on the first working day of the month, for the previous month. Just like MAM's we do not look at when the accounts became connected and work out the PF's 30 days from this date. It is done for each month, which means nothing is missed. 

SAMPLE EMAIL: (For CSM reference)

 The performance fee operates on a month-to-month basis, this is from the first date of the month to the last. They will be calculated on the first working day of the next month for the month previous, regardless of the date the copier pays their hosting fee or the date they signed up. 

So, if this client signed up and began copy trading on the 6th of June, the performance fees would only have incorporated trading from the 6th until the 30th of June. The days between the end of June and the next hosting fee payment on the 6th of July will be included in July's performance Fee. We hope you can follow our explanation. 

Basically, the processing of performance Fees are calculated for all clients using Fusion + at the same time, the first working day of the month. This is standard across MAM set ups too, the date the set-up is initiated does not affect the performance fees, these are done at the beginning of the month. If we were to calculate the performance fees from one hosting fee until the next and pay these out, we would have to monitor and carry this out every day depending on the date the fusion + connection was established, as the payment of these PF's has to be initiated somewhat manually, this is not feasible from an admin prospective. This way all PF's are calculated and paid on all copier accounts across Fusion + on the same day each month and no trading is missed. 

We hope for analysis on the account you can consider that each month there will be a fee of 15$, and the performance will be calculated from the start to the end of that month regardless of the date the 15$ is deducted. We understand you would not be able to complete an entire 30 days of analysis for the first month (June), however each month does not consist of 30 days so we hope you can adapt this analysis to suit & possibly move it to a month-to-month analysis to match the PF's.