Please use canned response below when clients are comparing prices between brokers (Price Difference)  

Note: Comparison of charts should only be forwarded to Ops if it seems there is a pricing outage or issue with our pricing in particular. 

Hi XXX, 

As you have been made aware by our amazing Help team, the pricing of certain products such as cash indices and energy products cannot usually be compared exactly from one broker to the other. The reason for this is that the 'fair value' price each liquidity provider has calculated for their contract is often derived using different calculations, or different weightings of the underlying futures contracts.   

As each broker may use a different group of liquidity providers, this is the reason that prices may be different from broker to broker in certain products. However, while the absolute level of the contracts may be different, the general price movement between two brokers should be in the same direction, which can be seen in the images you provided.