We still operate Fusion Markets VFSC the same way we operate our ASIC entity. The trading conditions and radically lower costs are the same. The team servicing your account is the same (including myself) and the funds are still held in a tier 1 bank in a segregated client trust, meaning they are not co-mingled with Fusion's own operating funds. We will never compromise on these.  At the end of the day, when you choose a broker, it needs to be with someone that you trust to be your partner in the markets.  


Questions to ask are: Are they treating you fairly? Are you paying the lowest costs to trade? Are their support team fast and friendly? If the answer is YES to all of these questions with Fusion, then the entity which you sign on to (ASIC or VFSC or in the future other regulators) matters less than how the broker operates and carries itself. If you would like to discuss it further with our CEO, I am sure he'd love to assist as well.