Hi XXX, 

An audit of our Pro Traders has flagged that you may not have completed the process in it's entirety. For this reason we have had to temporarily move you back as a retail trader until the Fusion pro Quiz has been passed successfully. 

We will work to re-enabled this option to "Upgrade to Pro" in your Fusion Hub, should you have remaining attempts to take this Quiz. Please note the below: 

  • There is no time limit on the Quiz so we advise them to move through the questions carefully and take their time 

  • You have 1 more attempt at this Quiz, as it can only be sat twice 

  • They need 100% in the Quiz in order to pass 

If you fail the Pro Quiz we will need to refer to trading statements from ourselves or other brokers in order to qualify you as a Pro Trader. For further details on this please refer to our website below: 

Please confirm if you would like to resit this Quiz and we will then work to enable this for you. If anything is unclear or you have questions or concerns please do reach out to us and we can assist you further.