When verifying a proof of address document, you should look for several key pieces of information:

  1. Full Name: The name on the document should match the name of the person providing it.
  2. Address: The address specified should correspond to the one that the individual has provided on their Hub profile. Please note that a PO Box is NOT an acceptable form of address. However, in some cases, documents displaying both the full residential address and a PO Box address can be deemed acceptable.
  3. Date: Look at the date on the document. It must be dated within the last 6 months. If a date is not available, we can also rely on transaction dates as an alternative indication.
  4. Document Issuer: Ensure that the document has been issued by a recognized and trustworthy institution. These can include banks, government departments, utility companies, etc.
  5. Consistency of Information: The details in the document should be consistent. For instance, if it's a utility bill, the usage and cost should seem reasonable.

Please note that what counts as valid proof of address can vary based on local regulations and the policies of individual organizations. Always ensure to abide by the applicable rules and guidelines for verifying personal documents. Apply common sense.


Bank Statement

Utility bill

KRA - Kenyan Revenue Authority

Other times you may need to do a quick google search. In the example below, the document is only valid for 12 months after it is issued. Since the tax certificate is issued on 24/10/2021, it expires on 24/10/2022.


Note: We can accept revolut bank statement